2024 "within a dream" show
Email keigratton@me.com for availability and more information.
white light spirit animal 43x58”
I see you. Message received.
astral traveler 36x44”
I am asleep… I am not asleep.
apart-united 36x27.5”
You again. After all this time.
greeted by wolves 30x26”
Guarded or protected?
dream beekeeper kei 28x22”
Swarming my unprotected body. Safe.
naked 25.5x22.5”
Where are my clothes?
birthing crystals 26x31”
Quartz, amethyst, citrine…endless abundance. Through my finger tips.
wings 10x11”
1,2,3… up and away.
hello r u there 14x11”
I have called this number a thousand times. What is it?
that vintage ruby ring 22x25”
A love gift of imperfection. Flawless.
hearts merging. magic 11x12”
Finally. You and I divinely one.
passages 26x30.5”
Can I get through? I need to get through.
me alone antarctica 36x44”
Silent in vast landscape of ice and water. Immensity.
mammoth 17x19”
Wings embrace my face. Through my hands I breathe.
moTHer 30x30”
I am but 5. The way to you is unknown.
…and jump 36x44”
With anticipation, I leap beyond my human capacity.
breath of a shaman 46x50”
“You are truth.”
13th st. 8x9”
I remember you like yesterday. A squatter in my own home.
i feel it 11x12”
When you are Full my nights are vivid. Ethereal.
the day dream 9x9”
You think I’m awake, my eyes are open. Where magic lives.
a sweet visit 26x31”
In a tree you call to me “ You will write…”
the love dog 6x8"
I feel you. I touch you. It’s you, it’s you!